Six years baking mixer self-use good thing recommendation! Baking Blogger’s Baking Tools Share!

Hello, everyone. Recently, many friends have asked me about some baking tools I am using. So this time, I will share with you some baking tools I am using now.

baking mixer

Some of them were purchased at my own expense. If you are interested, you must simply collect them first. Then let’s start directly. Let’s start with some electrical appliances, because the price will be a little higher. Then there are two eggbeaters I used. One is the doctor’s, which I bought on behalf of about 400 yuan. Now you can buy it through the genuine channel, which is about 600 yuan, and then this printer,It should be used by many small partners who open a shop, and then it has an egg beater. The whole egg beater is relatively lubricated, and there is this kind of gravity ball on it. I think it is very suitable for beating cream, but it is not easy to beat, and it is very uniform. Many small partners often ask me why I only use one egg beater, because if I use two heads, it will beat too fast. I often beat cream and egg white, so I used to use one head.Another hit.

You can go to the flagship store to buy, this model should be 79 yuan, and then I gave it another 12-line bullet like this, because this kind of bullet is used to hit egg white, it will be much faster than the previous four-line bullet, and then it also has a four-line bullet, which will be used to hit some harder things. For example, the cream cheese just taken out of the refrigerator, if you are a novice, I suggest you buy a few boxes.It can be done within 100 yuan, because I prefer to make macarons, so there are thermometers, and then there are two, one is infrared, the other is needle.

If you choose one of these two thermometers, I recommend this infrared thermometer, and then it needs to be pressed, and you see a red dot. This red dot must be on the surface of the thing you want to measure, and then it can measure the temperature of the dough and the temperature of the sugar water. It is very practical, but it has a disadvantage. That is, it can only measure the surface temperature, so its temperature is actually not as accurate as this needle thermometer, which can also be used to measure the oven.

Temperature is to put it in the oven or air fryer, and then it will show the temperature of the oven that is on now, but I think it is really a thermometer. Its disadvantage is that it heats up too slowly. Unlike this thermometer, you can press it to know how many degrees, and then if it is like a macaron, you can measure the surface temperature to 118. It may be 121, but it doesn’t affect your success and failure rate.Like when I used to teach in Wang Sen, many teachers used this kind of thermometer. I think if you don’t need to measure the oven temperature, you can buy this kind. The price is about forty or fifty yuan. In fact, I have changed many kinds of electronic scales, but in the end I think this shape is the most durable. Then I choose the range of one gram to five kilograms. Actually, baking is called 0.In fact, 1 gram of this is generally not accurate, and there is no need for such a large precision, so I think this is very practical, cost-effective.

I really used it for a long time, and then I changed several batteries. I think it is very durable. People often ask about the bullet screen and message of this induction cooker. This is a Nuojie induction cooker. The price I bought is about 159. This screen.The brand was recommended to me by Master Pi. When I was in his class before, he bought this brand. Anyway, I haven’t used it until now. I think it’s also very practical, because it’s relatively small. Like when we cook macarons, the milk pot is also very small. If you use a big induction cooker, it feels unnecessary, a little wasteful, and takes up space. Because when we do baking, there is often a pile of things on the table, a small induction cooker.The round one matches the shape of the pot, and I think it’s easy to use.

If I recommend a dehumidifier, the brand I recommend is Tiaoli. I recommend everyone to use it. Just buy a slightly smaller one. This is a seven-body one. It costs about 2000 yuan. I think its quality is very good. It is very stable. And all the accessories are stainless steel. I have used it for about five years. It’s not bad at all. I think it’s very practical. Many people have asked about this bacterial preparation before.It is actually a necessary thing to make Fatian, and then it is basically necessary to make flavored cream and mousse, and there is nothing to replace it.

But I don’t think you actually need it if it’s home baking. I bought it for about 900 yuan. About it, and then the tool class, I will share it with you from this frequency of use.First of all, I think the most frequently used should be this bullet basin, which often appears in my videos. It is a full 304 stainless steel, and then it does not have a silicone bottom, because if you buy the kind with a silicone bottom, it will be very easy to mildew here. Like this full 304, it is no problem that you can wipe it with a steel wire ball. And its overall weight is very light, because sometimes when we make a cake, the batter is very heavy.If your basin glaze is very heavy, it will be very difficult to hold the whole thing. I see many teachers use this kind of basin even if they open a shop.

I recommend it very much. It’s all stainless steel, and then it’s a little deeper. This 28cm baking pan, I think, is the most practical one in all baking moulds, because basically all the cake roll recipes on the market now are made according to the size of this baking pan, including our previous cake roll recipes. Then when we sell it in our shop, we give it an oilcloth. It can be completely stuck in. As usual, if you make butter cookies, you can squeeze them directly on this baking tray. It’s completely non-sticky. It’s very practical.

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